Saturday, February 26, 2011

Observing Crayfish

Smart Board Highlights

Here we are practicing identifying adjectives.  We are trying to use better describing words in our writing to make our stories more interesting!

Ashaway Grange Donated Dictionaries

 Superintendent Ricci introduces the ladies from the Ashaway Grange
The Ashaway Grange donates dictionaries to all third grade students in the Chariho School District each year.  The dictionaries are a valuable tool to our students as they are learning how to use a dictionary properly in third grade.  The children have already used their dictionaries during our writing and reading lessons.

IPEVO Document Camera

We are having fun using the IPEVO camera to observe our crayfish up close and personal.  We observed the crayfish behavior on the Smart Board.  The IPEVO software allows us to magnify the image 3X so we can observe the details.  After observing them for a while we took a picture of the crayfish.

Here is a photo of a crayfish shedding.  One of our large crayfish shed his skin.  A few days later it turned orange after being exposed to the air.