Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Mother's Day Tea - slideshows
Our Mother's Day Tea was a great success!  The children celebrated Mother's Day with their moms and aunts with tea, cookies, poetry and flowers!!  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother Robin GIves Us a "Bird's Eye View"

Mama Robin has been building her nest right outside our classroom window.  We watched her bring pieces of grass and add them to the nest for several days.  On Friday, she settled in!  Mama Robin sat in her nest most of the day.  Maybe we will have baby robins, soon.  We can entertain them with our music in science and they can entertain us with their songs!!

Shake, Shake, Shake!

We had some fun with the Shakers!  The children found many different items to put inside their shakers.  We tried to guess what was inside each shaker after it was shaken but very few were guessed correctly.  After everyone shared their shakers the children worked together in small groups to put them in order from highest pitch to lowest pitch.  Then they presented them by group and we numbered them 1-4 (highest to lowest).  After that, we grouped all the ones together, then the two's and so on.  Finally we figured out the highest pitched shaker to the lowest pitched shaker for the whole class!

Making Sounds With Nails

We continued exploring pitch by tapping various sized nails.  The children discovered that longer nails had a lower pitch than shorter nails.