Friday, October 22, 2010

Water As Ice

We have been investigating what happens to water has it heats, cools and freezes.  We measured water and placed it in a vial and syringe and then froze it.  The children discovered that water expands when it freezes


  1. Hi Mrs Rathbone!

    I am currently a student teacher, and I am doing a lesson over this topic. Your students seem to be enjoying themselves with this lesson, so I was wondering if you could offer me any suggestions. I was just exploring through the internet and stumbled across your page! How lucky :)

    Thank you so much,
    Ms. Dobbs

  2. I would be glad to help you out. Our school district uses Gemsnet Science Kits. This one we are working on is for third graders and is called "Water". Are you looking for something specific?

  3. I was looking mainly at how water expands when heated, as well as when frozen. This seems to be a tricky topic for the class! I don't know if you have any experiments that go along with that lesson, but if you do I would love to hear them. Thank you again!
